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Green Fartigon

From Mwa's goofy world
Green Fartigon
SpeciesHalf Green Goblin, Half Ailen
OccupationFormely Green Goblin industries Assistant, None
AbilityReviving Green Goblins

Green Fartigon is a ailen and green goblin that formely worked for Green Goblin industries, Now None. There Are Approximately ~100 of them with the highest population Being In Gensokyo,Yapan .

They Were First discovered when the "Goblin Astroid Incident" Which happened in 2007 november, Landed On Mwas Goofy World, a few seconds after They Landed, they were took by Green Goblin industries as workers since they looked like green goblins, After green goblin industries collapsed, most of them went to gensokyo, yapan.

They have a ability that Can Revive Any green goblins That Died, When A green goblin dies, a Fartigon will be called to revive them.